Urinal Servicing
Aquatemp Urinal Servicing
Your Urinals Should Not Stink!
If your urinals stink, they are not being serviced correctly.
Male public bathrooms that have the distinctive urine odour generally only have that "lovely" odour for four reasons:
- poor air extraction and ventilation
- substandard cleaning practices
- floor waste traps that are poorly maintained
- urinals that are not regularly serviced and maintained

At Aquatemp Environmental Solutions, we are specialists in maintaining your bathroom facilities as a healthy environment. Our product range and specialised services ensure your bathrooms are correctly maintained, hygienic and odour free experience for your employees and customers alike.
Who Can Service Urinals?
FACT: Only licensed plumbers can legally service all types of urinals.
Despite the claims of many cleaning and hygiene companies, it is illegal for them to undertake any servicing work on urinals or floor wastes other than cleaning them.
It is illegal for anyone, including building owners or their representatives, cleaning company owners or representatives, to instruct cleaning staff to service urinals.
Aquatemp always recommends that cleaners protect themselves from potential infections and fines and refuse to break the law.
We always ensure that only licensed plumbers undertake all of our urinal servicing. This is because plumbers, unlike cleaners, are trained to undertake tasks such as clearing drains or working on toilets or urinals.
All the tasks involved in servicing any urinal require specialised training, diagnostic skills and an awareness of health and safety issues.
Above all, plumbers are licensed to undertake the work by the government plumbing regulators, who are legally required to protect public health and safety through Australia's plumbing and drainage licensing system.
Waterless Urinal Servicing
Servicing waterless urinals is an integral part of any maintenance regime for all manufacturers. Waterless urinals are explicitly engineered to function without wasting water to flush them and use one of three systems to operate:
- odour barrier oil-based systems
- mechanical traps and one-way valves
- biological systems
Every waterless urinal maufacturer uses different parts and has a differing period for when servicing is required. Under Australian law and the WaterMark approval system on all urinals, it is illegal to use any parts that are not genuine WaterMark tested and approved components for each urinal model.model.
Here at Aquatemp, we are waterless urinal servicing specialists for ZeroFlush urinals plus Uridan, Falcon, Caroma, Urimat and Waterless. We use only genuine parts from each manufacturer on all waterless urinals. We will not use illegal, non-compliant parts from Desert Eco, Enswico, Fresh & Clean or Whiffaway, to name a few.
Every urinal service proposal is only provided after an onsite assessment of the entire facility. Our urinal service equipment is job specific for the servicing of urinals. It includes a purpose-built electric mini water jetrodding unit to remove all calcium/magnesium build-ups such as calcium phosphate, struvite and scale that build up in urinal traps, bend and junction wall piping.
Water Flushing Urinal Servicing
The misconception that water-flushing urinals are flushed clean with water is sadly an urban myth and a common belief. The reality is that water-flushing urinals need to be regularly serviced.
Water-flushing urinals have been installed for over 100 years and come in individual urinals or sizeable stainless steel troughs. For flushing water down the walls of the urinal, there are several different technologies still in widespread use:
- a storage cistern with a manually operated button or handle
- a manually operated exposed flush valve above the urinal
- a timing switch where multiple urinals are connected to a single cistern, and a constant drip-feed of water slowly fills the cistern until a tipping point is reached and the valve opens to flush all the urinals
- a door-regulated flush where a switch is located into the door frame and flushes the urinals every time the door opens
- an electronic movement detector that flushes the urinal after motion is detected in the bathroom
Every water-flushing urinal installation has multiple choices for the actual flushing technology.
At Aquatemp, we have had a long experience maintaining water-flushing urinals and frequently work on urinals from Caroma, Britex, Stoddart, Zip, Zurn, Sloan and numerous other brands.
Due to the multiple solutions and installations available, every urinal service proposal is only provided after an onsite assessment of the entire facility. Our urinal service equipment is job specific for the servicing of urinals. It includes a purpose-built electric mini water jetrodding unit to remove all calcium/magnesium build-ups such as calcium phosphate, struvite and scale.
As water flushing urinals have become very low flush, we need to clean the build-up in urinal traps, bend and junction wall piping at least annually, depending on usage.

Call Now To Get Your Urinals Sparkling Clean with Aquatemp's Expert Servicing!
Are you looking for top-notch urinal servicing? Look no further! Our friendly team is always ready to help you with your urinal needs. But don't just let anyone handle the job!
Did you know that using an unlicensed person could risk your public liability insurance and potentially break laws meant to protect community health? So give us a call today and get the peace of mind you deserve. Trust us, and your urinals will thank you!